Saturday, February 16, 2013

Going Short

This afternoon it all became seriously real. It seems strange to say that the hardest thing to deal with so far is the cutting of the hair, but it's true. I went and got nearly 11 inches cut off and donated to Locks of Love ( I figured if I was going to lose it someone else might as well benefit from it. Besides that would give me a good cover story for why I cut it. I'm still not ready to announce anything to more people than I have to, especially people at work. Not yet, but I know the time will come. I just can't see me wearing a wig, penciling in eyebrows and wearing false lashes to try to make everything look normal. I don't wear make-up now, it seems like a lot of effort to put in every morning. I can fully understand while many women do, but I know me, I'm not that motivated.

The woman who cut my hair was great. I'm actually pretty happy with the way it looks, but it'll take some getting used to. It'll take days before I stop using too much shampoo. I think I kept my eyes closed most of the time. It just seems so final. Mom and Dad went with me for moral support. This is the closest to tears I've come since the day of my mammogram. It seems so silly to be so emotionally attached to hair, but even after the pony tail was sawed off the pile of hair was just so big as she shaped it. 

I decide to put together a closed Facebook group as many of my close friends and family are scattered across the country. Again how do you send out an invitation to that group? The responses I get nearly bring me to tears (again). Cue Hallmark commercial, or maybe a Kleenex commercial.  There are still many questions and the future still seems uncertain, but my support group is in place. Now to put away all those scrunchies.


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