Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Hospital Life

Every day is a little better, at least that's what I'm telling myself. I have been using the morphine less and less, and they actually started me on oral meds today. That is one less IV I am hooked up to and one step closer to being allowed to go home. The catheter also was removed, so now I actually have to get up to go to the bathroom. It takes a while to get up and unhooked from everything, so I have to call the nurse well before I actually have to go. We will see how well that goes, I mean what could possibly go wrong? They had to move my IV from my right side to my left due to bruising and swelling. I'm still getting fluids through the IV and it's highly interesting when I have to get up and do my walk about. Also have to de-attach from the breast monitors and attach the grenades; it's a process, but it feels good to get up and out of bed. Having been making short walkabouts around the ward in the evening. Nursing staff says I'm making good progress. I've been coughing and wheezing a bit, not sure what to make of that, I guess too much time on my back and not enough time doing my breathing exercises. Baby steps.

Dr R stopped by again with pathology report. It looks like the chemo did not kill all the cancer in my breast. He is confident however, that the surgery got it all and radiation will not be necessary. The fact that my cancer did not completely respond to the chemo makes me a little uncertain about what that means for the future, but I am now glad I decided to do chemo before surgery. Next time I see the oncologist I'm sure he'll have more to say about it. The doctor doing the rounds for my plastic surgeon says everything looks good and is responding well. The blood flow and oxygen levels in the breasts are good so it looks like I'll get to keep them.

Had a number of friends drop by this week, it was good to see them and talk. Also got a cookie basket from work, they were all shaped like tech stuff, computers, CDs, etc. Too bad I'm still on mushy foods, Mom is sacrificing and eating some for me. I am moving up from broth to oatmeal. Trying not to get too excited. Tomorrow maybe real food, well solid hospital food any way. There is a possibility that I may be able to go home tomorrow. I have to prove I am capable of taking care of myself, well along with my support staff. We will see how I feel after I get up and shower tomorrow. That is the next milestone. I certainly need to shower, but the four grenades make doing anything interesting and slow. Good thing the hospital bathroom is huge with lots of room for people to help me when I need it.

Of course on top of all of this is the news that Congress may shutdown the government rather than pass a budget. Yup no paycheck would just make my year. Trying not to dwell on that, nothing I can do about it, but still, these people really need a conscience and a clue. I must concentrate on those things I can control. Sit up, get up, walk, get stronger.

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