Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dissertation Proposal, the Response

Was pleasantly surprised at my adviser's response to my proposal. He feels I'm ready to schedule the defense. Can't say I'm unhappy about the kind words and support, but I did expect to do some more work. Not that there isn't work to be done, but first thing to do is put together my presentation and schedule four professors for my proposal defense. Now if I can just remember what I wrote. I know this stuff, I really do, but it's getting harder and harder to string two sentences together in a manner that makes any sense, even to myself. I hate feeling incompetent, unprepared, or just plane stupid. I know I haven't completely lost my mind but I'm having a hard time finding it these days. I often feel like I'm faking it these days, those long pauses aren't for deep thinking, they're for trying to remember the most basic things, like my name. I am so glad for the support I have from my parents, relatives, Facebook group, coworkers and others. I know I couldn't do this alone. Now to put some notes together so I can pretend to know what I'm talking about.

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