Thursday, May 30, 2013

Did Anyone Get That License Plate Number?

So much for my hope that the effects of the taxotere would be comparable to the first four treatments. I feel like I was hit by a truck. My mouth and throat are sore, the fatigue is more pronounced, my muscles ache and my toe nails look like they are wanting to fall out. They're tender but so far not to the point where I can't wear shoes. Using tea tree oil on finger and toe nails in hopes they can be saved. Only time will tell. The eyes have started randomly watering, now that's a fun side-effect, so I decide it's time to update my glasses. One more expense I hadn't planned on, but I can tell contacts are not going to be an option soon. Dr gave me some steroid drops for my eyes, that should keep them moist (watery). The option is for them to dry out, guess people will just have to get used to me looking like I'm crying for no apparent reason.  Bald, fat and weepy, I'm a real catch.

Well the hope that the insurance company would be logical and agree with my oncologist that moving treatments back to Monday would not be an issue has been dashed. Sure I can go back to Monday, if I pay for it. Jeesh, what difference does it make to them? But with furlough coming it just makes it a pain to do Tuesdays. I hope they'll let me move my furlough day to Tuesdays for those three weeks. Can't anything be easy?

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