Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Round 7 - Is That Light at the End of the Tunnel a Train?

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Only one more after today, which is good. I've hit the wall and the wall has hit back. Dr B is great as always. He is very happy with the progress and thinks everything looks like it is on schedule and responding well. So it looks like more tests three weeks after the next chemo, and then we'll visit the surgeon again.

Dr B  said all the blood work looks good and the fatigue, hot flashes, and muscle aches are to be expected. He and his nurse J did recommend a few things to try. So we will pick up a few more drugs. Oh joy oh rapture.  Just love taking more drugs. I gained 7 pounds between last treatment and this one, I blame the steroids and lack of exercise. I'm sure the carb cravings have nothing to do with it. Hard to exercise when you're tired and your muscles hurt, but I am still walking Mika most mornings, although Mom and Dad did take her to Austin for a few days. Poor puppy gets the short end of things these days. Thankfully Mom and Dad are willing to spoil her rotten and when things finally get back to normal there may be some pouting involved.

It is wonderful to see some of the same people at the treatment center. Sounds strange but you do make some nice connections when you see the same people week after week. Shared misery is easier to bare I guess. Have a new oncology nurse who is very nice, but still miss S. It will be nice when I never have to be here again, but I can't complain about the service.

Dissertation work continues. Results from Round One of my survey are being returned. Yeah! Not 100% return rate, but enough to get good data (I hope). I just have to keep my fingers crossed that everyone sticks it out for all 3 rounds. I did have a chemo brain moment when I first sent out the survey, forgot to save it so it was comparable with Adobe Reader duoh! Doesn't everyone have Adobe Pro? Now I have to figure out how to do all that statistical analysis I said I would do. Ah well, that's what the weekend is for, all 3 days of it now thanks to furlough. The extra day may be nice, but I just may cry when I see may pay check.

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