Saturday, August 10, 2013

Great Expectations

That's the thing about expectations they're expected but not always met. Worked from home Tuesday, then went in on Wednesday. Not sure that was a good idea. The big news of course was that our furlough days have been cut down to six, which means only one more week. Was completely spent by the time I go home. Mom was very concerned as I was barely able to eat anything before heading to bed. Didn't even attempt to work from home on Thursday. Thursday was awful, but made it through work on Friday-barely. 

Throat is as bad as I can remember it being, kept me up part of the night between the pain and the expectorating (learned that word from Beauty & the Beast). Had expected  to feel better today, at least have some energy and be able to eat. Instead I'm barely able to get out of bed and consume some warm water with honey. I really should be working on my dissertation but can't even be bothered to turn the computer on until nearly 4 PM. Oh, congrats to the cohort members who graduated yesterday, you really deserve it. Hoping that will be me this fall. But right now I'm struggling physically and mentally.

Friends and family have been an awesome source of support, even dropping off dinner for Mom and Dad. It looked and smelled awesome, but throat just not up for it. I haven't even touched the chocolate shake Dad got me. So looking forward to eating like a normal human being one day. Knowing this is the last treatment helps but, I guess not unexpectedly, it's been the hardest. Knowing what is still to come also weighs  heavily on my mind. First thing first, take care of self so I can function again. One last furlough day (yeah down from 22 to 11 to 6) to take advantage of to heal, then rounds of tests, and then to worry about saying goodbye to an old friend. 

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